JMJ Children's Fund of Canada Inc.

NGO in Special Consultative with the Economic & Social Council of the United Nations


The difficult situation in Haiti resulted in the closure of the 2 schools JMJ was supporting in Porte-au-Prince.

JMJ has since partnered with Foi et Joie Haiti. who asked JMJ to support 45 vulnerable children at the Centre Éducatif Congréganiste Nationale du Bas Canaan in Port au Prince and the Centre Éducatif Congréganiste National Saint Ignace of Loyola of Bédoue near Ouanaminthe.

 The vulnerable children are selected in consultation with teachers and parents. The expected outcomes are: that at least 45 most vulnerable children in the Canaan and Bedoue educational centers have access to a tuition fee and school materials subsidy; to promote gender equality by encouraging the retention and schooling of girls, with at least 60% of sponsored children being girls; to reduce the school dropout rate in these educational centers; to ensure food for vulnerable children. The full proposal is available from JMJ.


JMJ has sent $5000 to support this project for 9 months starting in September. With your help, JMJ can continue supporting this project.